Service Design YAP

Knowing when its time to quit. Emma Parnell talks about the importance of being intentional when making your next design career move.

Service Design Network UK Season 1 Episode 11

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In this episode we meet designer Emma Parnell and talk about working out when its time to move on.    In

Many of our episodes focus on finding your idea job, but knowing when it time to go is equally, if not more important.  Emma talks about the leading indicators that should nudge us to to consider finding our next role, even when we're working in a great role with people we love.

We also have a great student question from Carin Effendy,  from the University of Bath, who's asks about evaluating the real values of a new employer.

One of Emma's favourite sources is Lou Downe's Good Services. Its a classic.

About Emma

Emma Parnell has 15 years experience as a designer. This is split between strategic brand development and user centred design for products and services. Emma has supported a wide range of organisations to design services that work for the people who use and deliver them including Tesco, NHS Digital, Cancer Research UK and many other public and third sector organisations.
Building connection is at the heart of Emma’s work. She is passionate about the relational aspect of service design because ultimately services are delivered by people, for people. Emma is a champion for inclusive design and equity of access for all - especially in the gender diversity space.

Service Design YAP is developed and produced by the Service Design Network UK Chapter.
Its aim is to engage and connect the wider Service Design community.

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